My Source Code

I am deeply committed to personal and spiritual growth, and I bring my experiences, my education, and my passion to bear in my coaching practice. What undergirds all of this is a deep belief in the innate wisdom that resides in each person. Sometimes that wisdom is blocked by ingrained, reactive patterns, and sometimes it's ignored. But it's always there. My role and my passion is to help you uncover it, listen to it, and act upon it. To imagine, inspire, and ignite.
I developed my left brain during undergraduate studies with a B.S. in civil engineering and a B.A. in Germans studies from Tufts University. I exercise my right brain through interests in songwriting, guitar, watercolor, writing, and photography. And I integrated left and right with a Master of Education from Harvard University where I studied how adults develop through different stages of life and how to craft learning experiences that not only bring understanding, but also transformation.
I first discovered the challenges and joys of leadership as I served as a Civil Engineer Corps officer in the Navy, leading the men and women of the Seabees (I'm very proud of having served with this incredible group of people). And I honed my leadership and management skills in the crucible of bottom-line business and consulting.
With 20 years of experience in leadership and management, I know what it feels like to bear the responsibility of profit and loss, to be the lightning rod for crisis management, to talk down an irate client, and to face the overwhelming challenges of delivering high quality products and services with limited resources.
And I also know what it feels like to create and lead a high-performing team, where people are plugged into their areas of strength, teams are collaborating and generating more than the sum of their parts, and the client is brimming with excitement and gratitude.
I stepped away from corporate America when I felt it was no longer serving my purpose, and I realized I had become numb to life. I experienced the free-fall and disorientation of letting go of an identity rich in status, influence, position, and compensation. And I've faced the awakening of mid-life, when the rules shift and what used to be important begins to fall away. Extensive travel and living in various global cultures have opened me to a world larger than myself and cultivated an appreciation for diverse perspectives and ways of being.
I'm very intentional about nurturing a spiritual practice that helps me face the truth about myself, gives me compassion for others, and deepens my appreciation and passion for life.
This is who I am, and this is what I will bring to my work with you.
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I developed my left brain during undergraduate studies with a B.S. in civil engineering and a B.A. in Germans studies from Tufts University. I exercise my right brain through interests in songwriting, guitar, watercolor, writing, and photography. And I integrated left and right with a Master of Education from Harvard University where I studied how adults develop through different stages of life and how to craft learning experiences that not only bring understanding, but also transformation.
I first discovered the challenges and joys of leadership as I served as a Civil Engineer Corps officer in the Navy, leading the men and women of the Seabees (I'm very proud of having served with this incredible group of people). And I honed my leadership and management skills in the crucible of bottom-line business and consulting.
With 20 years of experience in leadership and management, I know what it feels like to bear the responsibility of profit and loss, to be the lightning rod for crisis management, to talk down an irate client, and to face the overwhelming challenges of delivering high quality products and services with limited resources.
And I also know what it feels like to create and lead a high-performing team, where people are plugged into their areas of strength, teams are collaborating and generating more than the sum of their parts, and the client is brimming with excitement and gratitude.
I stepped away from corporate America when I felt it was no longer serving my purpose, and I realized I had become numb to life. I experienced the free-fall and disorientation of letting go of an identity rich in status, influence, position, and compensation. And I've faced the awakening of mid-life, when the rules shift and what used to be important begins to fall away. Extensive travel and living in various global cultures have opened me to a world larger than myself and cultivated an appreciation for diverse perspectives and ways of being.
I'm very intentional about nurturing a spiritual practice that helps me face the truth about myself, gives me compassion for others, and deepens my appreciation and passion for life.
This is who I am, and this is what I will bring to my work with you.
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Ready to start your transformational journey? Contact me to learn more about a free introductory consultation.