On Living with Purpose and in Flow
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Tolle)
This book articulates a profound mystery that I've been slowly living into. What is my purpose? It's to be fully present where I am, right now. And in being present, all of life opens up. Tolle also describes how we get derailed from this purpose by our Ego (as he calls it). Tolle's The Power of Now presents similar concepts, but in a very different format (more like being out in a monsoon than drinking a cup of water). |
The Power of Intention (Dyer)
Wayne Dyer was my first deep dive into the idea that we create our own reality through our thoughts and our words. I had certainly heard this concept before, but I'd never lived by it. His concept of intention, as a field that we can tap into, is different than the idea of intention as determination. Dyer (and other authors) has helped me tap into effortless living, where life isn't a zero sum game, but rather is full of abundance and potential. |
Steering by Starlight: The Science and Magic of Finding Your Destiny (Beck)
Beck's take on articulating and following your dreams is extremely practical. The book is full of powerful examples and exercises, which, if you do them as you read, give the concepts traction. Loosely speaking, Beck starts with identifying (and eliminating) limiting thoughts. She then moves to visioning what you desire, and she finishes with manifesting what you've envisioned. Beck has a free downloadable PDF of the exercises in the book on her website. |
The Alchemist (Coelho)
Yes, this book is a bit pop philosophy. But I like it. It's an easy read, and it illustrates how opportunities exist where we never thought they would. It reinforces my belief that no experience is wasted, and how important it is to listen to and trust your gut. |
Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence (Hanson)
Hanson posits that we have an ingrained negativity bias. That is, our brains are wired to latch onto the negative rather than positive experiences. He believes we can actually change the way our brains are wired by noticing -- really noticing -- when something good happens throughout each day. Rewiring can be as simple as noticing when something feels good, taking a deep breath, and focusing on the good feeling for 5 seconds. He explains this in his TEDx talk. |
On Leading People
On Career Change
On Living with Purpose and in Flow
On Life Stages and Spiritual Growth
On Men, Women, and Relationships
On Creative Expression
On Christianity
On Career Change
On Living with Purpose and in Flow
On Life Stages and Spiritual Growth
On Men, Women, and Relationships
On Creative Expression
On Christianity
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